Retailers Share Their Horrible Customer Service Experiences

Mix-up in the Ramen Shop

Unsplash / Matthew Hamilton

This was actually very recently. There was this little ramen shop in Chinatown that I loved. Finally decided to take my boyfriend there. Started out fine. I order curry udon. The guy repeats it back to me, I confirm. Done deal.

I get my food. It’s curry ramen. Having worked in the food service industry, I don’t get all upset, I just flag down the waiter and let him know politely that I got the wrong order. He was fine with it. A few minutes later he brings out my curry udon. I was happy. Until…

5 minutes later the manager (the guy I ordered from originally) comes out yelling at me, waving a receipt in my face saying how I ordered ramen and I got ramen, blah blah. I tell him no, I ordered udon. He argued with me. Thing is, I don’t understand why he was so angry. They cost the same thing, so it’s not like I was trying to scam them.

He had zero reason to treat me that way and yell at me in front of the whole dining room. I used to speak very highly of that place and recommend it to my friends all the time. Nope. They just lost a customer for life.


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