Retailers Share Their Horrible Customer Service Experiences

Roof Tiles Are Not an Instrument

Pexels / Blaz Erzetic

Paypal was terrible after I got a box of roof tiles shipped to me instead of a guitar amplifier I ordered on eBay. I called them and let them know what happened.

This was the convo:

Me: “So I got scammed. Instead of an amp, I received a box of roof tiles. I refused the shipment and sent it back. I can supply pictures.”

Paypal Rep: “Well, technically the item was delivered.”

Me: “It was a box of roof tiles, not an amp.”

Paypal Rep: “The ball is in your court. We showed something shipped out.”

Then he hung up.

I was furious. I called Citibank, which was the credit card company I used through Paypal. When I told them the situation, they instantly refunded me my money.

They told me that even if they had shipped out the amp but it was the wrong color, they would still refund me and try to get their money back from the seller.

AWESOME customer service.


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