Retailers Share Their Horrible Customer Service Experiences

The Customer Isn’t Always Right

Pexels / Mart Production

Current retail worker here. I’ve gone through so many but this one happened months ago and it still ticks me off. I was a supervisor and I was playing manager on duty while the store manager was taking care of a few things before we closed.

I was called to the front about a customer getting mad at another associate.

M: Hello. Is there anything that I can help you with today sir?

C: Yes! This cashier overcharged me! All you guys are trying to do is scam us customers!

M: I’m sorry about that sir, may I see your receipt and the item that was scanned wrong?

He hands over the receipt and I look at the item. There was a markdown label that didn’t fully cover the regular priced barcode. Before I even looked at the item, the cashier who rang him up even acknowledged the mistake that she made and she started to be apologetic.

I told her to not worry as mistakes do happen.

M: I’m sorry about the mistake, sir. I’ll have the cashier just return the item and charge you the correct price.

C: Good! You better! I don’t know why this company hires incompetent workers who make simple mistakes!

M: Well sir, we are humans and we do tend to make mistakes. Like I said, this is an easy fix and my cashier is already fixing the problem.

C: Well…I want her fired! She shouldn’t be up here if she can’t do her job properly! Oh and she tried to take off a price tag and switch it for another!

Associate: That’s not true! Let me show you what I was trying to take off.

My associate comes back with a sensor sticker that’s supposed to deactivate when ran through a checker but apparently, it wasn’t deactivating.

M: Okay, sir. She was just trying to take off a sensor and she didn’t want it to go off as you leave the store.

I’m sorry if this was a misunderstanding.

C: takes out his iphone

M: Sir, are you taking a picture of me?

C: Yes I am! I know my rights and I know all California laws!

M: Okay, well I don’t appreciate you taking my picture and I never consented to have my picture taken. I’m gonna have to ask you to leave the store or I’ll call my store manager.

C: You have no rights! You can’t tell me what to do! I’m a paying customer and if I wanna take your picture I can’t do whatever the [bleep] I want!

I’m going to file a complaint to corporate about you! And I’m going to write reviews on Yelp and Google about how you give poor customer service!

I called the manager over. Told her what was going on. The customer began to yell at her and she wasn’t having any of it.

She just told him to leave, which he did.

I reaaaaally hate rude people.


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