Retailers Share Their Horrible Customer Service Experiences

They ARE Doing Their Job

Pexels / Erik McLean

I was working security at a beach-side complex with a mix of vacationers and year-round residents. The year-round residents were supposed to have tags on their cars marking them as year-round so they didn’t need a parking pass.

During a routine patrol of the garage, I spotted a car without a pass or a sticker and ticketed it.

Thirty minutes later, one of the year-round residents comes storming up to me, waving the ticket. I explained that she needed to display her tag and she went off on me about how much she paid for the condo, how she paid my salary, etc.


The kicker at the end? “Instead of harassing the people who sign your paychecks, you need to do the job you’re being paid to do.”

You mean, like, ticketing vehicles without a proper parking pass?


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