Retailers Share Their Horrible Customer Service Experiences

All Because of the Plates?

Pexels / Jer Chung

I work at a restaurant that is known for selling all local products (protein, dairy, produce, etc.) and we even get our plates and such from local flea markets.

Well I was waiting on a table about a month ago and they ordered a few appetizers. I brought them some plates and about 10 minutes later they got up and said they needed to leave (without any of their food).

It was weird, but sometimes people have emergencies and need to leave… whatever.

The next day my manager gets a call and they complained that the plates I gave them didn’t match. NONE of our plates match, that’s kind of our gimmick.

But instead of asking me for new plates or asking why they didn’t match, they were literally so weirded out by the unmatching plates that they got up, left, and called to complain the next day.


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