Retailers Share Their Horrible Customer Service Experiences

Just Give It a Minute

Pexels / Ron Lach

Working at fast food, this guy comes up to the counter and slams down his hamburger. “This food is too hot!!!”

Wait one minute you idiot. I’m guessing this is his inner monologue:

“I am very important. Way more important than the likes of you. While you are making minimum wage because you’re too stupid to do anything with your life, I am literally paid over $60 an hour.

Well over $120k a year. You with me so far? Good. This pay literally means a minute of my time wasted is a dollar wasted.

And here you are, expecting me to essentially spend an extra dollar, because your incapable self isn’t able to understand the temperature I want my food, and ESPECIALLY after the fact that I already gave you MY MONEY to get this garbage you probably eat every day.”


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