Retailers Share Their Horrible Customer Service Experiences

Sushi Shop Chase Scene

Pexels / Israel Franca

My family and I went to a sushi restaurant for my cousin’s birthday. The service wasn’t really that good, they gave us the wrong drinks and they forgot stuff that we asked for as soon as they walked away, so we gave the waitress like a $2 tip instead of the usual $5.

As we’re walking in the parking lot back to our car, the waitress runs after us and tells us that we didn’t tip 15%! She’s literally chasing after us.

My uncle gives us this look and pretends that he is going to follow her back into the restaurant to pay. Then as soon as she goes through the door, my uncle starts sprinting to the car and we all run and jump inside and drive away.

When I looked through the back window, I could see the waitress and her manager running after us but they couldn’t catch up. Yeah, never went back there again.


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