Retailers Share Their Horrible Customer Service Experiences

Bigotry with a Side of Revenge

Pexels / Foodie Factor

I went to McDonalds a few years ago in Alberta. I went with a friend of mine, and we just both happened to be gay.

In a laughing sort of situation he said that we should pretend to be dating. I asked if he was suicidal and he said “Well It’ll be funny to see the reactions.”

He held my hand and put his head on my shoulder. We shuffled up and I ordered my food and I also said “And my fiance here will have a (insert insanely fattening meal here)”.

My friend, Jake, put this massive dopey grin on his face and reached up and kissed me. Me, being fairly good at improv, kissed back.

The server, who before this had already seemed ill at ease, refused to serve us. He stood there with a defiant look on his face, refusing to fill our order.

When I asked what was wrong he looked at me and said “I’m not letting some filth like you eat here.”

I, taken aback, immediately responded with telling him to go get his manager. He refused. I asked again. He refused. We stood there for a few minutes, trying to argue sense into this moron and we saw a flash of a managers shirt outside.

I told Jake to go get him. Jake runs out, gets the manager, and hauls him back in. The manager is standing there on the floor with me and Jake and I’m trying to explain to the manager how server is being a massive moron.

By now we’ve gathered a small group of people watching, including a couple of other servers.

The manager looks at me and says “I don’t see what the problem is here. You don’t deserve rights” and walked away. One of the people in the ‘audience’ comes over.

He’s dressed in a suit and he says he’s going to sue the place on behalf of us if he doesn’t serve us. The manager still refuses.

The guy in the suit, who turns out to be a lawyer named Andrew, says that he needs to provide the owners information anyway.

We get the phone number of the guy who owns the place. He says he’ll be right there and he arrives. He then proceeds to fire the server and the manager in front of us as well as giving us free coupons and a free meal.


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