Retailers Share Their Horrible Customer Service Experiences

Shift Change

Pixabay / David Mark

In America there is a place called “Denny’s” and it is always open. The food is so-so, the service is usually good. The breakfasts and treats are pretty good.

My wife was very sick, and in the hospital. One of those things where you spend days in the hospital just waiting to get better.

I would stay with her after work until the hospital shooed me out a couple of hours after the end of visiting hours. Then I’d realize I’m tired and famished, stop to grab a bite at the local burger place then go home.

Tonight was going to be different though, it was 9:30, and I wanted dinner. Denny’s it was! I ordered the chicken fried steak with side veggies from the menu, and got a soda, and started reading a book as I waited for my order.

The book was really good. 40 minutes later, I realized I didn’t have my food! I called the waitress and asked how long it takes the chef to cook dinner, and she went to check.

She returned with some food, a very cold Chicken Sandwich with fries. Okay, apparently it’s someone else’s dinner. So I complained.

She went back to the kitchen. A few minutes later I see her walking out the door, and saying “Goodnight” to the other servers. Another waitress comes to my table and asks me if I’m ready to give my order now.

I’ve rarely been this mad in a restaurant. I was quietly furious, and asked what happened to my chicken fried steak? The new waitress didn’t know so we got the manager over.

Apparently there had been a shift change. New waitress, new cook. Me left between the cracks. So I told them, “Fine, I’ll take my chicken fried steak dinner, on the house.”

“I’m sorry sir,” said the manager. “It’s after 10pm, and we don’t serve some dinner items after 10.”

“It was on the menu!”

“Yes, it is on our regular dinner menu, after 10PM we use the ‘late night’ menu.”

“I ordered my chicken fried steak BEFORE 10, so I expect that for dinner!”

“I’m sorry sir, but our day chef is gone. Our night chef isn’t familiar with that item.”

That was it. I made a scene. I blew up and yelled at the manager. Then I left.


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