Retailers Share Their Horrible Customer Service Experiences

Nightmare Server

Pixabay / Ryan McGuire

There’s a Subway that recently opened right across the street from my house. I started eating $5 footlongs every day. It was glorious. Not only was it extremely convenient, but the service was better than any subway I had ever been to, by far.

Fast, the sandwiches were made great, the girls were talkative and flirty.

There was one downside. The guy who worked most nights was a short, surly dude who was always being a jerk or trying to intimidate you, which was pretty easy due to his bulk and full sleeve tattoos, also those tear drop tattoos, which if I’m not mistaken are prison tats.

Every time I’d go in there, I’d say “hey hows it goin?” he would answer with a grunt or just ask “what sandwich you want.” I’d get through my order has he threw meat and veggies around all willy nilly creating the most dishelved, sad looking sandwiches I’ve ever seen.

After going there a few times with this experience, me and a girlfriend of mine go in one night. I go through the same routine.

My friend asks a question about the gluten free sandwiches and dude drops his mop to the ground (he had started mopping right after my sandwich was made without asking girl if she wanted anything) and says “Are you serious?

CANT YOU SEE THE PICTURE?!” and gestures toward a picture of a gluten free sandwich.

My friend his shocked and says something like “you know what man, you’re a jerk” and storms out. I say “wow great customer service man.” He answers “What?!

You asked a question and I answered it!” He was doing the “come at me bro” stance and had a fury in his eyes as if I had just insulted his entire immediate and extended family.


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