Retailers Share Their Horrible Customer Service Experiences

A Pizza Panic

Pexels / Kristina Paukshtite

My parents and I decided to try a new, trendy pizza place right around the corner from my apartment one night last month. We decide to sit outside because the weather was nice and they had a big patio and a side deck.

Everyone working at this place had an attitude, from the hostess who seated us to the waitress taking our orders. They made us feel like a huge inconvenience, but we were hungry and had heard the pizza was good so we tried to look past that.

As soon as we are seated on the patio the girl offers to lower the shades because the sun was setting and was directly in our line of sight.

We say that would be great and a guy comes out and lowers the blinds for us. We order our drinks and look over the menu.

Not even five minutes later a young guy comes to our table incredibly ticked off that the blinds were lowered. In a very condescending manner, he tells us that he’s going to have to raise the blinds because they trap heat in the patio ultimately raising the patio temperature about 20 degrees.

My dad politely tells him that the sun is in our eyes and that they really shouldn’t offer to lower the shades if it’s going to cause a problem.

The guy snaps. He is incredibly disrespectful toward my father and goes on a tangent assuring us that the sun would set and even going as far as to take his sunglasses off of his head and offering them to my dad.

He’s young, maybe 25, and treating us like we’re imbeciles saying that our request to lower the shades would make the other customers less comfortable.

Whatever, they raise the blinds and we question whether or not we’ll stay to order food.

We stay. Our drinks arrive and we take a few more minutes to look over the menu. The waitress is nowhere to be found. We sit they in awkward silence trying to get past what had just happened.

Other tables are seated and the hostess offers to lower the shades for each table. We finish our drinks and the waitress still hasn’t returned to take our order.

We contemplate leaving but she finally shows and we order. The food came out cold, but one of the managers was walking around asking how everything was.

We told him about the sunglasses prick and he was furious. I haven’t seen the guy working there since.


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