Retailers Share Their Horrible Customer Service Experiences

Crazy Ex Stole the Car and That’s Just the Start

Pexels / Mike B

A while back, my ex got arrested after taking my car without permission. My car was impounded, and it was $250 to get it back.

Needless to say, the entire situation made me fairly irritated. I arrived at the place to get my car, and as I walked into the building, my ex’s mom called to try and find out more about what was going on, and see if I needed help.

I was inside, but I had not addressed any staff whatsoever, and it was obvious that the conversation I was having was with the person on the phone, not anyone in the building.

On the phone I was explaining that I had just gotten there, and I wasn’t sure if they had my keys or if I needed to go to the jail and have them released to me if the ex hadn’t given them up upon arrest.

I’m sure I sounded irritated, because I was. Queue the receptionist jumping all over me, telling me that they know how to do their jobs, and that I’m being rude.

I look over at her and explain that I’m sure they do, I’m on the phone, and I’m sorry if she thought I was talking to her.

She’s having none of it, and gets up and starts screaming in my face. I’m a pretty shy person until you bring my spit into my personal bubble.

I tell her she’s being inappropriate and absurd, and I want to speak to her supervisor. So she screams for him to “Get out here and handle this stupid [bleep]” and he comes out, and starts screaming at me to get out if I’m going to treat his staff like that.

I tried to explain that I hadn’t even addressed her until she started screaming at me, and that I needed to get my car out of their impound lot.

He wouldn’t listen.

Long story short, I was 25 at the time and had to have my mother come help me get my car out of impound because the people who worked there were insane.

I’d never experienced anything like that. They did have my keys though, my ex was smart enough to give those up at least.


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