A Christmas Miracle

I was invited to a Christmas Dinner by an extremely wealthy Korean family while I lived in Seoul. They were a very nice family but I think, in hindsight, that they wanted to show their friends that they had foreign friends like me. The wife had everything catered and the home professionally decorated. It felt like we were in a department store.
There were multiple Christmas trees, a working train set, staff handing out appetizers on plates, etc. It looked like she had studied Christmas movies from the USA and copied everything. The dinner was served on an absurdly long table with two huge, perfect-looking oven-roasted Turkeys and all of the trimmings. I was later told that Koreans don’t like turkey.
These ones were just for decoration and would be thrown out later. We ate Korean food. The family said that I could take a turkey home and that the caterer would drop it off with anything else I wanted.
Story credit: Reddit / rayrayrayray