A League Of Their Own

I did IT work for a tiny little private company which was basically the owner, his brother, and me. The guy called because his new PC wouldn’t turn on. It was about 3 pm and he was fully willing to pay for me to drive 5 hours one way to get it working that day because he wanted to play games that day. So, a 5-hour road trip later and I pull up to this sprawling mansion.
I thought that I was in the wrong place. Still, I used the intercom at the gate and found that this was, in fact, the place. The guy and his wife were really cool and the dude had built his own gaming rig, which was absolutely over the top, I had never even laid eyes on hardware that expensive before. Turns out that he had never even turned the power switch on his PSU on.
He still gladly paid me the base rate of $1400 for me to come out there to flip a switch. I also installed his drivers but that was technically free. And the most mind-boggling part of all? He also gave me $5,000 in cash as a tip all because he was excited to play League of Legends on his new PC.
Story credit: Reddit / SteamKore