Righteous Stories of People Who Got the Ultimate Revenge on Total Jerks

Crazy Parking Lady


Because we used to live near a very busy business area and building, there was a crazy lady who kept parking near a spot that was partially blocking our driveway. She was a real karen, she seemed to be a yoga instructor who went to the building next door every week.

We told her to stop parking several times and STILL she kept parking, always yelling it’s an “emergency” as she hurried away.  We got really sick of her. So finally we had her car towed after she parked one time. Then, lo and behold, it didn’t take more than a week for her car to be right back blocking our driveway.

What an insensitive woman. That was the last straw. Little did she know that my dad is a genius with the right tools and an evil plan.

My dad called a few buddies of his right after she parked and they fixed it so that her keys wouldn’t work. They didn’t even leave a trace of their craftsmanship. She was essentially locked out and could not start her car anymore with her old keys. She went ballistic in our driveway.

But she didn’t figure out what happened. Guess that did the trick because she finally stopped parking at our spot.


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