Righteous Stories of People Who Got the Ultimate Revenge on Total Jerks

The Hero of the Theater


I was sitting in a movie theater and people asked me to save two seats in the middle of my row. The people asking were elderly and needed to go to the bathroom. The whole row was filled up too, so I figured it’d be easy to save. I sat there for a while when a busty lady made her way up the row and stopped right next to me, at which point she looks at me and says “Can you move.”

I smile with all the awkward tension and said, “Sorry, those are being saved.” Then the lady does something unbelievable. She sort of tries to jam her way past my legs in a mad attempt to get to the seat. Her boyfriend was just standing there. I look at her, flabbergasted, and simply say again “Those seats are saved.”

And then I kid you not, she snapped her fingers in my face and said “WATCH ME.” At that point, everyone in the theater was watching, and I was having none of this. I could tell she was getting ready for another attempt, so I slumped down in my chair and put my hands towards the seat in front of me to block her, and she was forced to sort of run into my legs a few times.

I looked at her boyfriend. He rolled his eyes and said, “Come on, let’s go.” Best part was, after the whole episode was over and the elderly couple had returned, the people behind me asked me to save their seats, because they thought “If anyone could handle it, it would be me.” I felt like the hero of the movie theater that fateful day.

Story credit: Reddit / RyanGee

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