Scientists Disclose Which Myths And Legends Are Actually Real

Monstrous Bird

Wikimedia Commons / John Megahan / CC 2.5

The Māori people of New Zealand have long told stories of the Pouakai, a monstrous bird that was big enough to hunt and eat humans. Many believe that these stories are referring to the Haast’s Eagle. It was the largest species of eagle ever to have lived on Earth, with weights of around 30 lbs and wingspans almost reaching 10 feet. It lived on New Zealand’s South Island and primarily hunted the flightless moa bird, which weighed around 500 lbs. Given the large size of its main prey, it’s likely that the eagle may have also targeted lone humans as well.

Interestingly enough, the Haast’s eagle went extinct around the year 1400, not long after the Māori arrived in New Zealand. It’s thought that its extinction can be attributed to habitat destruction combined with the extinction of the moa due to hunting by the Māori.

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