She Found Independence At 58 After Retiring and Moving Into a Converted Van

Remarkable Occasions

Instagram / theindieprojects

Being completely and utterly present in the moment is one of my favorite feelings in the world. When this happens, I’m filled with a sense of vitality and freedom, and I get a glimpse of the vastness of the world and how my life’s experiences have all led me to this point. I am completely awestruck by its untamed beauty and raw power.

As my heart is overwhelmed with gratitude and joy, I often begin laughing uncontrollably until I feel like my chest is going to burst (in a Good Way).

There have been only a handful of times like that on this trip. One time, I spent hours looking for a place to take a shower in Squamish, British Columbia, before deciding to just run into this little beach by the point where the river empties into the ocean. When I first jumped in, the water was icy. When I was by myself and a massive mountain slab of granite loomed overhead, I understood at once: this is it. For me, those are the Best Times Ever. I Depend on Them to Survive.

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