Shocking Family Secrets That People Have Had to Discover

Grandpa Was A Waste Of Space

Image By: Pixabay

My mother often had stories like:

“At your age, we got up at 4am to work on the farm, after the job, we went home to have lunch with your grandfather, then we walked 10km to go to school, and when we were back , we used to work in the field in a tractor until it was 6pm to go and cook dinner for your grandfather.”

And me like “Yeah but … he didn’t work the farm with you in the morning?” and she was changing the subject.

I learned in Easter that my grandfather was alcoholic, got drunk every night, didn’t get up in the morning to go to work, or was in fake jobs to lie to the family and go to drink, while the children had to go. in elementary school and manage a farm.

Then he was in prison because he touched the neighbour’s children.

When he got out of prison, he took out a loan of $ 30,000 in my grandmother’s name, and ran away with the money.

Then he died a few years later. My grandmother bought herself a used Ford LTD, and no one cried at the funeral. 30 years later, I learn who my grandfather was.

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