A Fight Broke Out

I saw the bridesmaid’s boyfriend get drunk and start a fight with her. He gets physical with her and rips her dress. The groom intervenes and gets in the dude’s face for starting trouble at his wedding.
Groom and boyfriend begin shoving and the groom’s mother tries to break it up. Boyfriend shoves the groom’s mother so the groom goes ballistic and starts beating up the boyfriend.
Boyfriend manages to get away but not before grabbing his girlfriend’s purse off her chair and makes a run for it.
He steals her car, and gets pulled over by the cops about two miles down the road for driving on the wrong side.
At this point, everyone at the reception was totally smashed and when the cops came they just sat everyone on the curb like they were teenagers because literally no one was sober enough to drive home. Story credit: Reddit / PWcrash