It Was Hard to Keep Our Mouths Shut

We didn’t object, but it was hard to keep our mouths shut at my aunt’s wedding. She’d had a hard life. Her two daughters were mentally disabled to the point where they had to live in a care facility full time.
Her first husband abused the girls and then killed himself. The only bright side was that he left her millions in real estate. But money can’t buy happiness.
When her second serious partner left her, she was lonely as heck. She was a smart lady but she still fell for this conman. He was after her money, which was supposed to be for the future care of the girls.
He wasn’t allowed back in several countries because he had conned people out of so much money, and there was something very wrong with him mentally.
He claimed to be able to cure cancer and took cancer patients’ money and would stay in hotels then leave without paying.
The whole family knew about his issues but he’d convinced my aunt that it was all lies and the world was against him.
Anyhow, we were invited to the wedding. It sucked to watch her marry this trash fire but we needed her to know that we were on her side.
He’d already started to isolate her with ideas about how we weren’t good for her and she was pretty much under his control. Fast forward: five years later, he’s blown through most of her money.
They did IVF and had a son, who is now eight. Con artist husband left when the money was gone so now she’s nearly 60, raising a child, and trying to rebuild bridges with her family and friends.
Kinda wish we had objected at the wedding, but she was set on her path, and other people like her parents had told her all the bad stuff they had found out about her husband and it hadn’t stopped her.
Figured all we could do was be there for her. Story credit: Reddit / Kitty-Gecko