A Full Out Brawl

A guy had been molesting some of the girls from the school where he was the after-school activity program director.
The bride has a daughter herself and knew about some of the allegations but decided to marry him anyway (out of state).
Well some of us were still invited and unbeknownst to the groom, a woman barges in cussing up a storm because her daughter is one of the ones that he molested and she’s in counselling because of it. He got off free.
It was a full out brawl. When intruder lady and a few others were arrested, the wedding was over. The bride ran off somewhere and I guess cried for the remainder of the evening. Worst part?
She still married him but eloped somewhere private. It’s like they always say: if you don’t say where you’re getting married, your groom’s victims’ moms can’t crash the wedding. Story credit: Reddit / UnPlainJane23