This Wedding Didn’t Last Long

I worked the most amazing wedding ever! The marriage didn’t last 6 hours! I was bartending for the reception.
Everything seemed pretty typical and standard as guests arrived, drank, and conversed—until the best man finished his speech and the food began to be served.
The groom grabbed the mic after the best man’s toast and wished everyone a great night and a nice meal. That’s when everything fell apart. After his well wishes, he asked for the attention of his best man and bride.
He told them that he knew they were hooking up behind his back for the entirety of the engagement, and that he would be filing for an annulment on Monday.
He thanked everyone for coming, and apologized to the father of the bride saying, “I would have called it off weeks ago,
but I figured you would be way more mad at your little princess when you couldn’t get out of the bill for the reception.” He turned to his wife and said, “Screw you”, then turned to his best friend and said,
“From what I overheard–I’m better in bed!” Mic dropped—groom out the door—absolute chaos. Me and my fellow bartender looked on in amazement. We had to go into the kitchen to die of laughter. Story credit: Reddit