Crazy and Insecure

College “friend” got engaged to an absolute witch of a woman. She was crazy, crazy insecure and would do things, lash out, and make comments when those insecurities bubbled up.
She would even make comments about how she didn’t really want to marry the groom based on his physical appearance and how much he made almost every time she got a little tipsy.
Before the wedding, the groom and bride recently moved into a new house that their parents purchased for them, and furnished said house with expensive furniture that their parents also purchased for them.
My fiancé and I had just moved into a rental, were dead broke, and watching TV on a mattress we had pulled into our living room.
When I couldn’t afford to attend the bachelor party, we offered to have them over for dinner to celebrate in a way that we could afford.
Instead, we were lectured by the bride on how we “should” be spending OUR money and that we had to get our priorities in line.
I mean, screw eating and housing yourself when you can spend a couple grand on two days of drinking, right? It gets worse.
After this episode early on, they essentially stopped talking to us or trying to include us in anything up to the wedding.
At the wedding, the bride was belligerently drunk, slurring her words slightly, and randomly breaking down into tears.
Uses her time at the altar during the ceremony to essentially ad-lib with what the preacher was saying. Trying to crack jokes and making weird noises throughout. It still gets worse.
The ceremony ends and the wedding party heads off for pictures. The bride, being drunk and impatient, begins berating the photographer until the photographer is in tears.
Fast forward to introducing the new couple. The entire wedding is essentially waiting for them at their tables, which are at the bottom of a long hill.
The bride and groom are at the top while the DJ begins to announce the new couple.
Only problem is, the bride is currently yelling at her new husband about what a piece of trash he is and telling him to go screw himself. They stop for long enough to walk down the hill and take their seats.
One of her bridesmaids was concerned and asked if there was anything she could do. To which the bride replies, “You can go screw yourself!” but there was a final nail in the coffin.
Throughout the entire wedding, family from the groom and bride kept coming up and telling us we were SO nice and nothing like how the bride had described us.
Yes…screw her, screw her very much. Additionally, the groom’s family KNEW how much of a psycho she is. The groom’s sister literally pulled me aside during the reception and begged me to stick around,
knowing that her brother’s wife was terrible, and it would only be a matter of time until they were divorced, and he would “need me.” Story credit: Reddit / MeatHooks13