The Vomiting Bride

We attended this one wedding that really got out of hand. My wife was friends with the groom so we were happy to be there. It was, over all, a normal, fun event. But just after the bridesmaid made her speech that made everyone cry, out of nowhere, the bride suddenly vomited.
She was so sick to the point where she couldn’t stand. And they really didn’t have any warning of this. Of course the festivities ended and we all went home. After a couple of days, we heard what actually happened and it was so much drama. Apparently, the wedding ended with the best man in handcuffs because the hysterical mother of the bride thought he drugged the bride. The truth came out though that the best man wanted to get her a little drunk.
He spiked her drink. That triggered a chain reaction because she was actually hiding a mild food poisoning situation. But that spiked drink got her into a full blown vomiting situation. We all got really angry at the guy. Nobody in their right mind should do something like that, much less on a wedding!