Breaking and Entering

When I was 19, I lived with two of my friends. One day our landlord, who lived next door, decided she wanted to come check out how we were living. But instead of knocking, she broke the lock on the front door and started walking around our apartment. My roommate was asleep in her room and woke up when the landlord came in. She screamed, and my landlord ran out.
About two weeks later it happened again, except this time my roommate was in the shower. I stomped over to my landlord’s house and lost it on her. I went as far as to print out a copy of the New Jersey tenants’ rights and taped them to every window on the front of the house. I guess she wanted to see if we were doing drugs in there, which, I mean, yeah, we were, but…come on lady.
Story credit: Reddit / IronMermaiden