The Nightmare is Over

My landlord decided to replace the roof of my apartment building during finals week in college. Instead of hiring professional roofers, he just had the building’s maintenance workers do it. I live on the top floor and it honestly sounded like some fat guy was repeatedly jumping up and down on my ceiling while I was trying to sleep and study.
This went on for eight hours each day for an entire week. I called the landlord twice because chunks of drywall were falling out of the ceiling and I didn’t want to be blamed for it. By the end of the week, I counted nine nails that they had somehow managed to pound right through the ceiling. I could see the points poking through and pieces of drywall had started to crumble off around them.
If they had only waited to fix the roof just one week later, no one would have been on campus because it would have been summer vacation. In any case, I’m glad that nightmare is over.
Story credit: Reddit / rckid13