
Soldier Takes The Last Laugh After Restaurant Attempts To Charge $200 For Uniform

Soldier Takes The Last Laugh After Restaurant Attempts To Charge $200 For Uniform February 5, 2024Leave a comment

Needing A Break

He’d dedicated months to fighting for his country, and he had excelled at it. Despite being battered and bruised, he was proud of his service. Now, he just wanted a calm, peaceful afternoon with a nice meal and friendly conversation.

But when she spotted him walking in the doors, the restaurant manager made a decision to the contrary. None of them could have predicted the dreadful consequences to come.

Six Long Months


Griff hadn’t considered the possibility of this happening when he chose this restaurant for dinner. He’d heard endless good recommendations for this place, and he was curious to see if it lived up to its reputation.

After spending half a year fighting on the frontlines, enveloped in the cacophony of explosions and gunfire, Griff had resolved to come here the moment he arrived home. But, back then, he hadn’t known what it held in store for him.

On Leave


He’d been fighting on the front for six months before Private First Class Griffiths Feller, at long last, got some leave to come home. Barely twenty-three years old, he had already accomplished a lot in life.

Griff had enlisted in the Marine Corps straight out of high school. He had dreamt of joining the Force for his whole life, and he was desperate to make his parents proud.

Training Hard


Just like the other determined young enlisters, Griff dedicated everything he had training to become a Marine. He diligently went through every process he needed to, finally deploying to the front a few months later.

Heavily armed and with his fellow patriots at his sides, Griff earned his stripes, proud to serve his country. But before long, his deployment ended, and the next chapter of his life began. 

Fine Dining


While they were out in the field, some of Griff’s friends and fellow Marines had told him about a local fine dining restaurant close to the Marine base in Tampa where Griff usually resided.

Born and raised in Chicago, Griff wasn’t very familiar with Florida, but he was determined to learn more the moment he got home. However, the experience he would have there was far from what he had imagined.

His Home Country


He donned his Marine combat fatigues and threw his duffle bag over his shoulder, then strolled out of the base. It was getting late in the day, but the sun was still shining bright and high above him.

In the hot, dry Floriday air, he felt a deep sense of love and appreciation that he only ever felt when he was back home. With a wistful smile, Griff inhaled deeply. He was glad to be home. But his day wouldn’t end as well as he had hoped.

Tired Of Army Food


After chucking his bag into the trunk, Griff hopped into his truck and turned the key. He was already salivating at the thought of the heavenly meal he would soon enjoy.

Army food wasn’t bad – it tasted good and was nutritious. But after seven straight months, it had gotten pretty monotonous. The Marine was eager to enjoy something flavorful today.

Just Like The Picture


It didn’t take him long to drive to the restaurant. The Tampa roads were quiet – only a couple of cars passed him by. He turned into the parking lot next to the restaurant and got out.

After just one glance at the place, he broke out into a grin. While he was deployed, one of his buddies had shown him a photo of this restaurant. His smile widened when he realized what he saw in front of him matched the picture exactly.

An Unfriendly Greeting


The soldier started on his way, his duffle bag still in the car’s trunk. He quickly walked to the restaurant’s fancy glass front doors. He was greeted by a smartly dressed concierge.

Griff spoke to the man politely, with a smile to lighten the mood. But the concierge gave him a judgmental once-over, a pained scowl on his face as he started talking.

Doesn’t Belong


“Hello, sir. How may I assist you?” the concierge asked in a refined accent. He played with his mustache while speaking, obviously doubting that Griff was in the right place.

“Please. I was recommended this restaurant; I have a reservation,” Griff replied. Looking surprised, the man said, “Ah, and will you be wearing that?” 

Not Trying To Show Off 


“I will,” Griff replied. He had noticed right away that everyone in the elegant restaurant, except for him, was wearing a fancy black and white suit.

He’d already realized it in the parking lot, his humble truck standing out among the expensive sports cars surrounding it. However, the Marine hadn’t come here to show off. He was here to enjoy the food and keep his promise to his comrade and friend.

Follow Me


Shifting his attention to the screen in front of him, the concierge tapped a few buttons before directing Griff into the main section of the restaurant. “Please follow me, sir,” he said.

The space was cool and invigorating in contrast to the hot and heavy air outside. Soft piano music filled the room from an unknown source, and numerous waiters flitted about, generous plates of food in hand. Griff felt he was exactly where he needed to be, but he didn’t know someone was watching him.

Wandering Thoughts 


The posh concierge escorted Griff to a waitress whose eyes scanned the soldier critically before she led him to the booth he had reserved. Handing him a menu, she smiled politely before walking off.

While Griff studied the large selection of delicious food, his thoughts drifted back to his deployment. Tears burned in his eyes as he thought back to the true reason for his coming here.

When They Got Home


As it happened, while on the front with his best friend, Ricky, they had been discussing the first thing they would do when they finally got home. Griff told his friend that he was eager to head home to see his family.

He couldn’t wait to display all the medals he’d earned and the beautiful photographs he’d taken. He wanted to spend time talking to his dad about the atrocities he’d seen – just like Griff, his dad had spent time serving his country. But Ricky’s wish was a little different.

Enemies To Friends


In contrast to Griff, Ricky didn’t have a loving family waiting for him. For countless years, he’d bounced between various foster homes, but he finally found his real family when he joined the Marines. There, he finally felt recognized, loved, and valued.

As opposed to Griff, this was Ricky’s second time on the frontlines. At first, the two had been rivals, always at odds and clashing about something. But it changed in an instant once they crossed into enemy territory.

All About Tampa


The two comrades formed a close friendship from then on, spending the long months of their deployment exchanging stories about their lives back home. Ricky was a Tampa local, and he told Griff about the restaurant and gushed about how delicious the food was.

Several other Tampa locals in the Corps were in agreement. They all said that the restaurant was an absolute must for anybody who enjoyed traditional Italian cuisine. But none of them said anything about a certain important fact. 

Inseparable Friends


Ricky and their other Marine buddies urged Griff to try the place out when he got back to the US. His friend was even willing to take him, promising that Griff would have the best experience of his life.

By that point, the two soldiers were the closest of friends, pretty much inseparable – except, of course, when their superiors commanded it. The two of them had been talking about visiting the restaurant together for three whole months when it went horribly wrong.

His Last Breath


The tragedy happened in the form of an IED strike. With Ricky’s last breath, he made Griff promise to stick to the plans they had made. Griff nodded with tears streaming down his face, all the while desperately trying to apply pressure to his friend’s chest.

As he sat by himself in the restaurant, the memory assaulted Griff so intensely that he winced. He had never forgotten the horrific smells of burning flesh and molten metal. He refused to do anything else before fulfilling his vow to his friend.

Honoring Him


So Griff hadn’t come to the restaurant solely to enjoy the food. He had come to honor his best friend’s life and wishes and commemorate all he had done to protect his country. Ricky was a courageous and selfless hero.

He had absorbed the IED’s blow, sacrificing himself to protect the rest of his team. He never shied away from the unknown, where chaos reigned supreme. Griff hoped he could be half as honorable as Ricky one day, and he would pay tribute to him in the best way possible.

Complementary Flavors


Ricky had long ago detailed an overview of the dishes Griff should order when he finally visited the restaurant. He’d gone on and on about the manner in which the three different courses would play off each other, the flavors complementing and intensifying each other.

“I wish we could be here together, my friend,” Griff said quietly as he choked back his tears. He signaled to the waitress that he wanted to place his order. But something was amiss in the restaurant.

Someone’s Watching Me


While Griff waited for his food to arrive, he got a strange feeling that someone was watching him. He looked around the space, his eyes landing on the unwavering stare of the concierge who had looked at him so judgmentally at the front door.

Their gazes met for a split second, and Griff’s stomach turned with unease. Fidgeting where he sat, he wondered whether he had inadvertently insulted the man or if his combat fatigues had offended him.

Imagining Him Here


He swiftly averted his eyes, attempting to shift his attention to the elegantly decorated interior and the mellow piano melody filling the space.

When his food finally arrived, Griff was salivating as he eyed the exquisite plating of the dishes. He tried to imagine Ricky sitting in the booth with him, laughing as they told each other stories. But when he saw the bill for his meal, Griff’s joy would deflate.

To Ricky


While Griff appreciated the fine flavors of his meal, his thoughts were stuck on Ricky, on how much it would have meant to him to visit the restaurant together.

He sniffled as his mind focused on his departed comrade, softly toasting his heroics. “To you, my friend. I hope I see you on the other side, Ricky.”

Eyes On Me


Carrying on with his meal, his uncomfortable feeling persisted. It was starting to feel like every person in the place had their eyes on him, staring straight at him.

He was feeling very self-conscious, knowing that he looked like he didn’t belong in such a high-end establishment. But he refused to let strangers ruin the special day he was having.

A Nervous Wreck


He had an important reason for being there, and he knew Ricky would urge him to ignore his discomfort and enjoy what he’d come for. Ricky had always been upbeat, and Griff was hopeful that his friend’s inherent joy would carry over to him one day.

Griff’s service on the frontlines during the war had turned him into a nervous wreck. But on that particular day, he just wanted to put it out of his mind as the next course arrived at his table.

Other Things On His Mind


The soldier placed his order, each plate chosen just like his friend had recommended. He ordered appetizers, then his main, and finished with a dessert. All of it was cooked perfectly.

But Griff was struggling to enjoy the meal completely without Ricky at his side. He was all too aware that he would have to visit his friend’s grave soon, and the thought eroded his soul. But for the time being, he just needed to finish his meal. 

Doesn’t Add Up


Once he was done with his whole meal, the Marine requested the bill. He’d worked out the total cost for it all before placing the order, and he knew it wouldn’t be more than seventy dollars total.

So when he saw the bill the waitress dropped off, he stood up without hesitation. “Sorry, miss,” he called to her. “I’m sure there’s been a mistake with my bill.”

Outside His Budget


The waitress’s gaze darted between the bill and the Marine, totally unbothered by his query. “Sir, you can be sure that the bill is correct,” she told him, her voice telling him she wasn’t open to negotiation.

As Griff scrutinized the total on the bill in front of him, he felt his temper rising. The amount was unbelievable. He had intentionally planned his order around the budget he had, so he had expected a fair and modest charge.

Growing Frustration


Griff’s anger was growing when another employee arrived at the booth, his authority evident – the concierge. “Is there something wrong here?” he asked with a sharp look.

Though the discipline of his military training tempered his frustration, Griff’s voice was shaky when he replied. “Yes, there is. The total on this bill is much too high. I calculated it all before ordering, and the math doesn’t check out,” he said.



With an air of condescension, the concierge responded, “Sir, there are no mistakes here. Maybe you calculated incorrectly.” The man’s rudeness shocked Griff.

He was positive that his calculations were correct. He had ordered three courses, checking each dish’s price before selecting it. His budget only allowed seventy dollars for this meal.

Not Prepared


“Could you please have a look again? I wasn’t prepared for this exorbitant amount,” Griff pleaded. But it looked like his pleas fell on deaf ears.

The concierge gave him a sour look and walked off as he politely and enthusiastically greeted a glamorously dressed couple who had just arrived. Griff knew that they were not going to let up.



He looked around him in confusion. By now, it looked like a few of the patrons had been looking his way and were shaking their heads in disgust.

Griff felt like he just wanted to get up and leave the place, but how was he going to do that when he was staring at a huge restaurant bill?

Two Hundred Dollars!


The waitress came rushing back. She looked at it and said, "I believe it's correct, sir." But it wasn't. For some reason, the restaurant had tacked an extra $130 on Griff's $70, making it a whopping $200 for plates of Caprese salad, spaghetti bolognese, and tiramisu.   

Livid, Griff asked to see the manager. But the man was impassive. He looked at Griff's Marine uniform and said, "Your uniform isn't meant for such places, young man. It's an eyesore here. The $130 is for our effort to protect the rest of our honored guests from looking at you."

Don’t Be Rash


Griff's eyes went wide. "Excuse me?" he asked, and the manager repeated what he'd said, this time louder, despite being a foot away from Griff. "Now settle that bill, if you can, and leave my restaurant."

It took everything for Griff not to do something rash on the spot. He was still reeling from having to eat his food alone, without Ricky by his side. Giving the manager one last look, he told him he wouldn't be paying an extra $130 because of his uniform. And that's when it happened. 

They Took His ID


The manager called two security guards, who, after looking at Griff, called in three more guards. One of them, the biggest, took Griff by his shoulders. Before the Marine could retaliate, the other guards held him in place. 

"You will pay that bill," the manager seethed as the men escorted Griff outside. "Take his ID," the manager commanded. Waving it before Griff's eyes, he said, "Pay the bill, and we'll give this back."

He Goes For The Duffle Bag


They left Griff in the parking lot, trembling from his anger. He'd always been a man of a few words. A man of action. He turned to the trunk of his car and grabbed his duffle bag. He would teach the manager and his goons a lesson. 

Griff was about to head into the restaurant when he suddenly braked. Was he really about to do what his mind was pushing him to do? "No," he mumbled, covered in sweat. "There's a better way."

Back At Base


He hopped into his truck and raced back to the base. A minute later, he was standing before one of his superiors, the corporal who led his and Ricky's fire team. Griff explained what happened at the restaurant, explaining that he'd only gone there to fulfill his oath to their fallen brother. 

Luckily for him, his corporal had been there when the two were making plans. He'd even given them a few other restaurant recommendations. Without wasting time, he asked Griff to follow him. 

Show Us, Son


The corporal led Griff to another superior's office, where he explained everything. The superior, a grizzled older man with leathery-toned skin, salt and pepper hair, and piercing blue eyes, made a phone call. 

Four marines walked through the door, saluting before standing still. "Show us, son," the superior said before he and his marines filed out of the office. 

They Waste No Time


Everyone jumped into two military vehicles and drove to the restaurant, with Griff's corporal and their superior in the front seats. They didn't even wait for the drivers to park before they jumped out of the vehicles and marched into the restaurant. Griff was quick behind them, wondering what they'd do. 

The air in the restaurant immediately turned sour the moment the superior entered clad in full marine gear. He kept his hand just above his holster. His eyes narrowed as he searched for the manager. 

ID. Now


Finding the manager, he said, "Give me his ID now, or I will start looking for it myself." When the manager handed it over, the officer walked past him and jumped at a counter. "All Active Duty Military," he started. "This site is now on the Prohibited List. Pay your tab and get out."

He got down and walked out, and half the restaurant tailed him. Griff hadn't seen them when he was last here, but he could tell many were either reserved or retired – loyal. The restaurant went on the List and was still there when Griff transferred out of Tampa six months later. 

A New Mission


Griff stood there, stunned, as the situation unfolded before him. He never expected his visit to the restaurant to escalate like this. The superior's actions left no room for negotiation, and the entire scene was like something out of a movie.

As the manager scrambled to address the enraged customers and the atmosphere grew tense, Griff's corporal turned to him. "You did the right thing coming to us," he said, clapping Griff on the shoulder. "We've got your back."

Unexpected Allies


Feeling a mix of relief and gratitude, Griff nodded at his corporal. He had expected to face a tough situation alone, but now he had the support of his fellow Marines, his brothers-in-arms. They were ready to stand up against any injustice he faced.

The patrons who had followed the superior outside patted Griff on the back, some offering words of encouragement. It was a stark reminder of the brotherhood he had in the military, even when off duty.



The manager was now struggling to salvage his reputation as he hurriedly dealt with the irate customers. Word had spread among them about how an active-duty Marine had been mistreated, and they were expressing their anger by leaving the establishment one by one.

The restaurant's reputation took a significant hit that day, and Griff watched with a sense of satisfaction as the manager realized the gravity of his actions.

Unexpected Gratitude


Before leaving, Griff caught the eye of the waitress who had served him. She looked apologetic as if realizing the extent of what had transpired. She mouthed a "sorry" to him, and he gave her a small nod in acknowledgment.

As he stepped outside into the warm Tampa air, Griff's heart was lighter than it had been in a while. He had faced adversity and stood up for what was right, and his military family had rallied around him.

A New Promise


Driving away from the restaurant, Griff knew that his mission was far from over. He had honored Ricky's memory by refusing to back down in the face of injustice. But now, he felt a renewed determination to make a difference not just for himself but for all those who had served and sacrificed.

He knew that there were more battles to fight, both on and off the battlefield. The fire within him burned brighter than ever, fueled by the memory of his fallen friend and the camaraderie of his fellow Marines.

Disclaimer: To protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author's imagination. Any resemblances to actual events, places, or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.