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Swanson Presents: Dinners from Around the World

Public Domain

Swanson was and still is famous for their TV dinners, which first hit the market back in the 1950s. They’re still being sold today, having adapted with the times. The thing about modern technology is that it’s just as easy to order a hot meal (no microwave necessary) using an app on a cellphone. But Swanson reigned supreme for decades and it’s because of ads like these which offered people the chance to eat dinners from around the world. 

In the ad, they claimed that they “can’t provide a fancy waiter, or reserve you a table at a swanky foreign restaurant,” but they could “bring authentic, foreign-style foods right to your table.” The options were an Italian-style dinner with a ricotta cheese lasagna, a Chinese-style dinner featuring chicken chow mein and a Mexican-style dinner with enchiladas and tamales.

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