Some Of The Greatest Historical Pictures Ever

1970s Veterans Vietnam War Protests

Public Domain

The Vietnam War began in the mid-50s and pitted North Vietnam against the south. It was a costly war and not just financially; more than three million people died in those 19 years and that included 58, 000 Americans. Because the US pledged to help, protests filled the streets of the US, even more than a decade into the war. None was seen as more influential than the Vietnam Veterans Against the War protest. It went on four five days on the Washington streets, beginning on April 23rd 1971. On the first day, a group of 1000 veterans, marched to the capitol to toss their military gear at the steps. By the second day, more than 200,000 vets turned out to protest, making it one of the largest anti-war gatherings in history (at the time).

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