Some of the Strangest Things on Earth That Are Only Found in the Deep Ocean

The Lost Continent of Gondwana

dany13 / Wikimedia Commons / CC 2.0

Gondwana was the largest continental crust approximately 550 million years ago. But as the Earth transitioned from the Paleozoic Era to the Jurassic era, the Drake Passage, which connected the southwestern region of the Atlantic Ocean with its counterpart in the Pacific Ocean, began opening up. That’s when Gondwana started to fall apart and merge with Euramerica’s land mass.

Today, only two-thirds of what was originally Gondwana is above the water and is a part of South America, Arabia, Zealandia, the Indian Subcontinent, Australia, Antarctica, and Africa. But scientists discovered the lost third lies underneath the island Mauritius, which rose to the surface approximately 8 million years ago.

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