Spine-Chilling Neighbor Encounters

The Backyard Takeover

Flickr / Shawn Hoke / CC 2.0

I moved into a new house a few years ago. My retired neighbor was helping himself to my backyard swimming pool during the day while I was at work. I didn’t realize it until another neighbor let me know.

I went over and confronted him, and his excuse was that the previous owner let him use the pool whenever he liked. Trying to be neighborly, I told him he could use the pool as long as he let me know in advance.

Well, that was a brutal mistake. He soon moved his own lawn furniture over, showed up first thing in the morning on Saturdays with a cooler full of booze, and hung out all day. He even hosted a pool party for his daughter and grandkids.

Finally, I had to install new locks on the pool gates and told him that the arrangement wasn’t working out for me anymore. I also installed security cameras to keep an eye on his activities. His reaction was chilling. 

He retaliated by letting the air out of my tires in the middle of the night, putting dog poo in my mailbox, and firing off high-powered fireworks at my house, leaving burn marks on the roof, sidewalks, and driveway. I called the authorities.

Luckily, karma took over—he had a stroke and was moved to an extended care facility. Story credit: Reddit / (Linux4ever_Leo)

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