Spine-Chilling Neighbor Encounters

Extended Stay


I lived in a small community with about ten houses where we mostly knew one another. Someone new moved in next door, and we didn’t think much of it as they seemed nice enough and didn’t cause any trouble. My grandma was going on a vacation.

Since we were mostly girls and my grandpa was out working most of the time, she told the guy next door, “I’m going to be away for a month. Just keep an eye on my family”.

He was nice and said, “Sure”.  A few months passed by, and suddenly one morning, the house was vacated in the middle of the night. A few days later, we learned the truth about the day. 

We read in the paper that that guy was actually taken into custody because he was a big-time mobster and had been on the “wanted” list for quite a while.vStory credit: Reddit / (Courage_Putrid)

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