Spine-Chilling Neighbor Encounters

Man’s Best Friend

Flickr / Jim McCluskey / CC 2.0

I used to live in a townhouse. We had a small puggle dog. One day, I put him on the leash in the backyard while I went upstairs to get ready. The way our backyards were, a small grass area lined up right next to our neighbors’ on each side.

I heard my dog barking for a minute and then stop randomly. Usually, when he was ready to come inside, he would continue to bark until we opened the door. My dog no longer barking triggered me to look out the window. And there I saw it.

Our neighbor’s kid—who was probably between seven and ten years old—with his pants down. IN MY BACKYARD, with my dog. I was so shocked I couldn’t move. Then I scared him off, but it haunted me for years. Story credit: Reddit

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