Spine-Chilling Neighbor Encounters

His Tall Tales


I had a neighbor across the alley who always hung out in his garage. The large door was always closed, but the smaller side door would be open when he was in there.

Usually, he was there from 5 PM to 2 AM. He was retired, so he didn’t work. I would randomly pop over after a couple of drinks to chat. 

I have never in my life heard stories crazier than the ones he used to tell me. He also told me that there is a secret band of Sasquatch that currently live around the world and have a massive influence on the goings-on of our society.

In addition to this, there is a very special breed of Sasquatch that can travel through time. They come to our present from the future to lure females to better populate their time and world.

He also said that the politics that have evolved between all of the different sects of Sasquatch are tense and political. Story credit: Reddit / (mistahfritz)

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