Spine-Chilling Neighbor Encounters

My Neighbor, My Friend


My oddest neighbor was also my coolest neighbor and my landlord. He was in his 60s, and his grandfather had built the house I lived in, making it well over 100 years old.

Both his grandfather and his father had passed on in that house, which perhaps explained some of the weird and creepy experiences I had there. In his basement, he basically had a museum of artifacts he had found over the decades.

He used to stay up until 3 or 4 AM watching TV while kneeling on a small dirty old towel. He never sat in a chair. He had done some amazing things over his life, so it was always a great time chatting with him.

Every Friday, I would pop over and pay the rent. Usually, his wife had made cookies, and I’d have a cup of tea before handing it over. If I ever went away for the weekend, he would take money off the rent, saying, “Can’t charge you rent when you’re not there”.

However, there was one really weird thing about him. He seemed to know where things were. It was as if he was totally attuned with the universe or something.

He once went to an archaeological site in a swamp that the university had spent a month surveying with a full crew of grad students and equipment.

He spent a week there camping and found three canoes simply by wading out where he “felt” was a good spot and feeling with his feet.

Another time he went to a beach, randomly walked over to a sand dune, reached down to grab a handful of sand, and found several pre-European tattooing implements made from bone. These are tiny, the size of your fingernail.

He found more in a few minutes than had been found in the entire country up to that point. His wife said all his significant finds were like that.

One day he told his wife it was about time she learned to drive. Until then, he always drove, and she had never bothered to get her license.

He taught her to drive, and she got her license. He then decided she needed her own car and bought her a new hatchback. A couple of days after getting her the car, he felt a bit tired, sat down, and died instantly. Story credit: Reddit / (Silly-Power)

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