Spine-Chilling Neighbor Encounters

Adoption Or Abduction?


New neighbors moved in across the street from me when I was in middle school. They were very odd people that kept to themselves. They had two small children who were adopted.

One day not that long after they moved in, the lady came over and apologized to my parents that her kids were always screaming and crying. But there was something off about what she was saying.

I remember it being bizarre because neither my parents nor myself ever really heard the kids screaming or crying. Soon after that, my father was home, and he heard the lady yelling in her backyard.

He went over, and she was screaming that she found the younger of her two children unresponsive in the backyard. The authorities arrived, and unfortunately, the kid didn’t make it.

Then things got real. There were tons of officers, unmarked vehicles, and yellow tape. It looked like something out of a movie. She had beaten the child and tried to stage it as if the kid fell and hit his head on the back patio.

They had apparently moved out of their last house because numerous neighbors had reported them to child protective services, so they were not welcome in that neighborhood.

But the story didn’t end there. Beyond the brutal incident, it turns out that the children had never been officially adopted—they had been purchased. Story credit: Reddit / (Earwaxsculptor)

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