Spine-Chilling Neighbor Encounters

Rowdy Kids Next Door


We had next-door neighbors who had rowdy kids, and they never did anything too bad…until one of their parents passed. That’s when they became totally unhinged. Over the next few years, they caused us a number of problems.

They vandalized the side of our house with graffiti, left lines of nails on our driveway, threw random objects through our windows, and launched water balloons filled with corn syrup and flour into our yard, just to name a few.

And it got even worse as time went on. The kids started selling illicit substances out of their house, and we had to deal with excessive noise as they threw large parties every weekend. They would sit on the front porch with their friends, screaming bad words at each other almost every weekday.

We tried calling the authorities on them, and to our surprise, they were already aware of what the kids had been up to since they received calls from other people in the neighborhood.

Unfortunately, their mother covered for them. She’d somehow managed to gain the sympathy of the officers, and then she’d apologize to us privately after they left. All they could do was give them warnings—but that wasn’t good enough for us.

At one point, we finally decided to set up cameras around the entire perimeter of the house, and we specifically installed them at a time when the kids were outside.

We wanted them to see every camera go up. The moment they realized that they’d be caught on tape if they tried any of their nonsense again, the problems immediately stopped. It’s been mostly peace and quiet (with a few exceptions) ever since. Story credit: Reddit / (cyrus_hunter)

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