Spine-Chilling Neighbor Encounters

Crazy Cat Man


At one point, I lived next to a crazy cat man. He had a TON of cats. We would have at least 20 polydactyl cats lying on our porch at night. We would always find deceased kittens/cats in our driveway, under or by our porch, and in our backyard.

He had two basement windows knocked out and had old car hoods put over them, which left enough room for the cats to go in and out freely from his house. He also burned all of his trash in his backyard.

One day we had the authorities banging on our door because someone had called and said our car was on fire. It wasn’t. He was just burning trash in a barrel so close to our car that it looked like it was on fire.

He got a lot of complaints, but he didn’t care. Luckily, we only lived next to him for about a year. Story credit: Reddit / (michonne_impossible)

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