Spine-Chilling Neighbor Encounters

Check The CCTV


I live in a town center above a shop with two lovely neighbors. I’m lucky enough to have off-street parking. Over the past few months, someone who lives in a neighboring block of flats has taken it upon himself to park in our spaces.

Basically, he moved into a rental property knowing it had no parking and recently dropped $12k on a flashy car. Yes, we’ve told him he can’t park there but as three single women (46, 60, and 83 respectively) he has used being a large male to try to intimidate my two older neighbors.

He won’t directly speak to me but does leave aggressive notes on my car. But I still had no idea what he was really planning. A couple of weeks ago, I had a call from the authorities.

They were requesting me to go to my local station for an interview pertaining to damage to his car. Off I trundle to the station, only to be confronted with CCTV and photographic evidence. Turns out, he installed a camera pointing at our property without our knowledge.

Sucks to be him, though, because his camera gives a full view into my bedroom and my neighbor’s bathroom—strike one for him. It did show that I walked past his car with a wheelie bin, apparently scratching his car. They showed me photos of damage to his car. There was just one thing. 

I pointed out that these were on the opposite side to where I passed. No evidence of damage I supposedly did. I had photos of his undamaged car—strike two for him. In his statement, he said he had it in writing from the owner that he could park there, but couldn’t produce the letter.

I had an email from the owner saying he had no permission—strike three for him. I went to the station with the expectation that I would end up with a conviction.

I left the station with him having a formal warning for misuse of CCTV and giving a false statement. Couldn’t have gone better for me and now he has to find somewhere else to park. Story credit: Reddit / (TeenyIzeze)

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