Spine-Chilling Neighbor Encounters

Pesky Photographer


When I was in my 20s, I had a creepy neighbor who lived in the apartment next to me. He always acted very weirdly around me. I heard disturbing things about him from people who knew him so I tried to avoid contact, but he would not leave me in peace. 

He once asked me to turn my wireless LAN off because it gave him headaches. He also once offered to take photos of me in my lingerie because, according to him, he is “such a good photographer”. He didn’t take no for an answer and really tried to convince me.

It got so bad that I didn’t open my door unless I knew he wasn’t there. I had to tell my friends to make sure to talk to me on the doorbell system before coming up, otherwise, I would not open my door. It was scary. Story credit: Reddit / (MissAuriel)

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