Spine-Chilling Neighbor Encounters

Hoarder Extraordinaire


We had a hoarder next door. The bugs she brought along with her were bad enough, but she was old and forgetful, and on more than one occasion, she put food on the stove and just left it.

Smoke would billow from her apartment and I would have to call the fire department so they could race over there, kick in her door, and prevent a fire. She also liked to hoard newspapers, among other things, so her apartment was basically a tinder box.

On top of that, there was this creepiness that took over her whenever her family came over to remove everything from her house. She would just stand there, staring at the dumpster.

Much of the stuff they would carry to the dumpster I would recognize as something I had thrown out, sometimes even years earlier. When we asked her to let the exterminators into her apartment, she would rude and defensive.

It would be one thing if she had been a sweet old lady with a problem that she acknowledged and apologized for. But she was downright mean if you asked her to open her apartment up and let pest control keep the monster roaches at bay. Story credit: Reddit / (Galileo182)

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