Spine-Chilling Neighbor Encounters

Trailer Park Trash


I grew up in a trailer, so our “front yard” was the neighbor’s “backyard”. This was also back in the days of clay litter, so we had to dump all the litter in the trash once in a while, then rinse the litter boxes out and let them dry before refilling them with fresh litter. Not my favorite chore by any means, but I had to do it.

My neighbor came out one time, yelling that I couldn’t do that. I gave him sass back, saying that I had just as much right to be there as she did. She yelled that I was a horrible kid and that she was going to tell my parents that I was being rude to her.

I told her to go right ahead—it’s not like I wanted to be cleaning the stupid litter box anyway. I told my parents about the interaction afterward and the neighbor never said anything to them. But then, a couple of weeks later, we made a shocking discovery—my cat was deceased.

I was devastated, and my parents wanted to get to the bottom of it. They found out from their friends who worked at the local grocery store our neighbor had recently bought rat toxins.

Again, this was a trailer park. If she had had rats, then we would have also had rats. There was not proof enough to take her to court, though. Story credit: Reddit / (chaela_may)

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