Spine-Chilling Neighbor Encounters

Ten Feet In The Sky


I bought my first house last November. The neighborhood was a mix of nice, young families and some questionable people. Some yards were very nice, while others looked like they hadn’t been mowed in years. The neighborhood sat on the edge of a very nice suburb of the city.

Our backyard was beautiful—it had a large shed, privacy trees on both sides, and a seven-foot privacy fence in the back. At the beginning of summer, my girlfriend and I had put up those backyard lights that went from the tall trees across the backyard and connected to the shed.

I also installed back deck speakers so we could enjoy music when we had friends and family over. We had met no neighbors at that point. One day, I looked outside and my jaw DROPPED.

I noticed that one row of the hanging lights was cut. We also noticed that someone had put wood beams on top of my fence posts so we couldn’t tie our light strings up there. I was in the house while my girlfriend was in the shed, and all of a sudden she came running in. 

The neighbor was screaming at her over the fence. We didn’t know who he was screaming at—he was just screaming, saying things like “You think I’m afraid of you?” and ” I will put you 10 feet in the sky”. My girlfriend came to get me, and at that point, I’d already had bad day.

Mind you, we had NEVER seen this person before, NOR could we see him over the fence. I came out of the house and I started screaming back: “HEY, IS THERE A PROBLEM?” over and over with a VERY stern voice. No response.

I then decided to go over there to be a good neighbor and see if everything was okay. Well, behind the door, I heard him say, “If I have to open this door, I will end you”. I shrugged and left him alone. Then, 15 minutes later, he was back at it again.

This time, he sounded tipsy, and he began threatening us again, saying: “I will end your life, I am not scared”. I don’t know what triggered him to act that way—Was he messed up in the head? Bored? Did he have a problem with the previous owners?

Anyway, I decided to call the authorities and they said they would send someone over. This was on a Monday evening at about 11 pm. He was still yelling as we waited for the officers to arrive. He then got very personal and called all of us out.

“You, your wife, your dog, and daughter…I am going to end you all”. At that point, I realized things were getting real. So I called 9-1-1 again and told them they needed to send someone over ASAP. When the officers finally arrived, they couldn’t really do anything even after I told them what he had been doing.

As they went over to his place, I watched intently. I saw them on the second floor of their house as the officers were knocking on their door below. Suddenly, they shut the lights off in the house.

The officers got more aggressive with their knocking, so much so that you could hear it echo throughout the neighborhood. Finally, they got in and they were there for about 15 minutes. Soon after, one of the officers returned to my house.

He proceeded to tell us that they are known addicts in the area and that they had been in and out of that house HUNDREDS of times over the past year.

He also said that they had no wall on the back of their house—there was just a tarp placed over an area where the roof was caving in, and there were weeds growing everywhere. It was uninhabitable.

I asked him how they could possibly live there and afford it without being kicked out. The officer guessed that the house must have been owned by that family for generations.

Ever since we called the authorities on them, they haven’t given us any problems, but it was disappointing to be told that we’d have to watch ourselves in our own backyard because of these unpredictable psychos. Story credit: Reddit / (Taylor1401)

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