Spine-Chilling Neighbor Encounters

The Tow Truck Terror


I had a neighbor that thought all the surrounding lands were his. His plot was pretty small, but he thought that if he mowed my lawn EVERY DAY, he would have ownership of it.

He even drafted up some papers saying that the city was giving him ownership of my land, which my lawyer quickly pointed out was not only nonsense but also fraud. 

Oh, but he went even further than that. He would do things like jump in my car and break the clutch so he could push it into the alley and have it towed.

He and his wife called the city multiple times on me to get my own vehicles towed off my own property while pretending to be super nice to us…they are a prime example of how Iowan passive-aggressiveness can be extremely annoying.

Anyway, I called a tow company to pick my car up and bring it to a mechanic. My neighbors thought they were successful in getting it towed off the property so they started celebrating, but then my car showed up the next week and they were taken in by the authorities. Ha. Story credit: Reddit / (IAmWarbot)

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