Spine-Chilling Neighbor Encounters

A Nasty Discovery


When I was in college, an old man lived across the street with his sister and mother. The man had a room to himself that had a big sliding glass door that looked out onto the street. At all hours of the night, you could see him watching outside, backlit by the flicker of the TV.

It was unsettling at first, but the more it happened, the more it freaked us out. Both my roommates and my significant other had mentioned him watching them at night and making them uncomfortable. One night, I looked through our peephole and made a nasty discovery.

I could see he was in the buff standing in front of the window. It was late, and no one was on the street, so apart from thinking he was an old freak, I didn’t think much about it.

However, a few nights later, my roommates and SO came into the house really upset. They explained that the neighbor was pleasuring himself in front of the window.

My roommate ran out, and the neighbor retreated into his house. After that, he tried to do damage control by speaking to me every chance he got. He was a gross pervert. Story credit: Reddit / (Kitfishto)

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