Spine-Chilling Neighbor Encounters

No-Trespassing Order


There’s a guy who lives down the street from me and he’s a real piece of work. He also has serious problems with women. When I bought my house, I had a boyfriend living with me. He left me alone during that time, but when that relationship ended, I became this guy’s arch-nemesis apparently.

He would come onto my property and take my stuff. He has stolen a porch chair, my garden hose, a string for my trimmer, a doormat, whatever he could find. When I confronted him about it, he told me those items were my “husband’s” property, not mine (even though I’ve never been married).

The authorities were called but as long as he gave the property back, nothing happened. If I had a female friend over, he would shout prejudiced slurs. If I had a male friend over, he would shout derogatory names at me. Again, I’d call the authorities, but they’d only give warnings no arrests were ever made. 

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg—even worse is he’d alternate between trying to hit my dog with his car and trying to come onto my property to take her. He would also loiter all the time.

He cut down my rose bushes, dug up all of the tulips in my flower bed, and brought his animals into my yard to do their business. I sternly told him he was not to trespass, but he responded that he had the permission of the deceased former owner of my home to come onto the property whenever he wanted.

I told him that I owned the property now and that he was no longer welcome. He then said that I had “no authority” and he asked to speak to my father (who lives 1,800 miles away). At that point, I had enough. This time when I called the authorities, I made sure they served him a written no-trespassing order.

He violated it twice and was cited, but he never did pay any of his fines. Unfortunately for me, no further action was taken against him. But things started to get better from that point on—a new magistrate was elected and I installed security cameras.

Between having ample video evidence to easily charge and convict him and having a “changing of the guard” at the magistrate’s office (the previous magistrate was very difficult to deal with, even for the authorities), the whole situation has changed dramatically.

While the problems with this guy aren’t completely nonexistent, the frequency has really decreased. Story credit: Reddit / (angrygnomes58)

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