Spine-Chilling Neighbor Encounters

The Sassy Sprinkler


I had a neighbor who called the authorities on me multiple times because my sprinklers got the wheels wet on his van. It was a 20-year-old Chevy Astro van that he would park right on the edge of his driveway.

I asked him to park on the other side of his driveway if it bothered him, but that was not an option he would consider. I spent a couple of weekends meticulously testing and adjusting the sprinklers so they would not go onto any of his concrete, which went all the way to the property line.

I was always as gracious and polite as I could be. My wife and I even delivered a gift basket to them as a peace offering. However, a few weeks later, the authorities showed up again.

It was windy, and the WIND had carried some water onto his rims. I later learned they didn’t even own the house. The landlord must have had issues with them as well.

Despite having lived there for a long time, the landlord refused to renew their lease. I would not have bent over backward like I did to appease him if I had known earlier. Story credit: Reddit / (galactica_pegasus)

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