Spine-Chilling Neighbor Encounters

The Loud Witch


The old lady who lived across from us decided to become an opera singer. She would “sing” to her plants almost daily, from 7 am to noon and from 6 pm to 3 am. And I’m talking full-blown “OooOOOoooaaaaaaoooOOO” practically all day every day.

It made things like sleeping hard and she caused my partner so much stress it triggered her depression. She got the authorities called on her twice. The first time, she sang to the officer’s face and closed the door. They had to break in and take her away, but she returned the next day.

The second time, a senior officer cursed at her while the younger guy tried to hold his laughter. I bonded with one of my neighbors over our shared hatred toward this loud witch…I think he lived above her, which is probably worse. Story credit: Reddit / (Antikristus)

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