Spine-Chilling Neighbor Encounters

We Were Dumbfounded


While living in Los Angeles, I was staying in a nice area called the Miracle Mile. Most of the residents there are fairly young. I stayed in an apartment complex on the second floor and I had a neighbor under me. My girlfriend at the time lived in Oregon.

She came to visit for the first time and we had a lot of fun in the apartment. One day, while walking out, we heard someone downstairs leaving as well. We made our way to the staircase and once we got down to the bottom floor, my neighbor who lived directly under me said hi.

Mind you, this was my first time seeing her after living there for seven months. My neighbor said, “Hey, I’m also from Oregon”. My girlfriend and I exchanged looks, puzzled as to how my neighbor knew where my girlfriend was from.

She then asked us how our dinner date went the night before at Jones’…At that point, we were dumbfounded and assumed she must have been hiding in our apartment. After that interaction, she would randomly come up to my apartment and ask random questions about my girlfriend.

Then, toward the end of my lease, I would hear her screaming for absolutely no reason. I would also see her out in the neighborhood with messy wild hair and smeared lipstick on her face and teeth. She’s the weirdest neighbor I’ve ever had. Story credit: Reddit

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